There are skeptics and gullible people in every age. None of the disciples were gullible. All needed proof of the resurrection and Thomas is a blessing to all of us.
We all stand naked and afraid before God in the Garden. We all run away naked and afaid in Gethsemene. We will all run to Him in the final, city-garden.
In these stressful, overwhelming times we need to keep our eyes on Christ our source of joy. One shortage we cannot have is a shortage of Christian joy!
The third part of a three-part series on love, the first aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. Part of Cultivating: Growing in Christ based on the fruit of the…
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Current Series: Bumper Sticker Theology
"True Freedom"
Grant is back and he is returning to his "Bumper Sticker Theology" series with a message entitled "I Can Do All Things"
The premise of the series is to address those Bible texts that we often quote like slogans or bumper stickers. They sound good, but they are often taken out of context and made to say things these they were never intended to communicate.
The series is meant to teach the importance of understanding context and what the inspired writers intended to communicate to their original audience. Only then can we get the intended meaning for ourselves.
Daily Bread
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
(2 Corinthians 4:5, NIV)
Every Wednesday we get together to pray and study God’s Word.
We begin with our study at 6:30 pm. This is a time of informal, relational study together. We have a lot of laughs and lots of serious discussions as we seek to understand and apply God’s Word to our lives.
Then at 8:00 pm a group of dedicated people lifts the ministries and concerns of the congregation and community to the Lord. If you have a concern you would like prayed for, or if you would like to be present to be prayed for, you can email Grant.