Category Archives: Feature

Summer Schedule

Summer ScheduleBeginning June 24th we will be moving to our Summer Schedule. This means that we will be moving to one service only at 10:30am.

During the Summer, Sunday School and nursery will still be available.

Ontario Christian Conference

Ontario Christian Conference 2013It has been several years since we have held an Ontario Christian Conference so it is with great pleasure that we announce a re-igniting of the conference and we are doing it in a big with with Bob Russell being our main session speaker. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with brothers and sisters from other congregations and be encouraged and challenged in your faith!

Date: April 13 (April 12 for Youth Event)
For: Everyone–rates for singles, couples and families
Theme: Re-ingnite
Main Session Speaker: Bob Russell

Download the Registration Form PDF image

Sunday Schedule Changes

Worship Schedule Changes As many of you know, it was recently decided that we will remain at one service for the near future. Last week we gave the congregation two schedules from which to choose. The vote has been counted and checked and rechecked and the people have spoken! So our new Sunday morning schedule, Beginning Sunday Oct 14th, is as follows:

  • Going Deeper(Adult Study) 10:00am
  • Worship (with Communion, Nursery and Children’s Going Deeper) 11:00am
  • Fellowship Time 12:15am

Pastor-Eye-Zzed–Christmas Concert Theology

Christmas Concert Theology

Christmas concerts. What would Christmas be without them? You can take the grinchiest-cold-hearted, anti-Christmas commando and put him or her in the audience of a Sunday School Christmas pageant and their hearts will melt. Guaranteed!

Last Sunday we had our Sunday School Concert. It was called “the Great Christmas Giveaway” and it was truly excellent and full of many wonderful and surprisingly good performances. The story involve some students shopping at a mall for their teachers’ Christmas present and how, through their interaction with some of the store owners in the mall, they learn the true meaning of Christmas. Wouldn’t you just love that to be true? What would it be like if shopping in the mall, and interacting with sales staff ended up being a spiritual experience that pointed us to the truth of Christ? It’s a bit hard to believe such a
thing would happen, isn’t it?

Well, I don’t think so because shopping in the mall is always a spiritual experience for me, because throughout the process, I spend a lot of time in repentance for the thoughts I am having about the crowds and the line ups and the store owners. Then I am always deeply in prayer so that I can find my car in the parking lot! I need my own personal Christmas Star to lead me to my car. Do you have any idea how many tan Honda Accords there are in any given parking lot? I seem to have digressed, let’s get back to the Christmas Concert.

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Ray An Fuentes Concert

The concert is free but there will be an opportunity to participate in a love offering.