Category Archives: Feature


Keele Street Christian Church is a non-denominational community church in the Junction/High Park area of Toronto with a strong multicultural focus. It is our desire to be a warm, inviting place where people from every tribe and nation feel comfortable as they explore and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Please join us as we try to share and live out God’s message of love, hope, and new beginnings through the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.


Keele Camp Time for Keele Camp is quickly approaching. We are having our camp early this year, before everyone gets into holiday and summer mode. Don’t miss this opportunity to be together in a beautiful place to worship, study and enjoy each other’s company.

What are we going to be doing?

  • Campfire: Friday night, complete with worship, a short devotion and hot dogs and smores!
  • Worship
  • family activities
  • Crafts and games for the kids
  • Study/discussion for the adults
  • Lots of time to fellowship and be together
  • And of course . . .FOOD!
  • Any ideas?: talk to or e-mail Grant!

Where: OCA
When: June 9-10
Theme: “Enter the Story”


OCA Logo
The camp is having a workday Saturday June 18th, 9:30 am. Lunch will be provided.

A work weekend Friday June 24th-Sunday June 26th

We have a busy camp season coming up and there will be lots to do including: clean and rebuild the cooks quarters, shingle the garage, prep the baseball field, and cleaning the cabins.


Sunday School
On Sunday April 3rd, we begin our IN-PERSON Sunday School.  At present we are meeting in the Upper Room above the kitchen and in the Nursery downstairs.

Teachers, Helpers, and Nursery Workers, it is time to think and pray about returning to teach. Please speak to either Orpah Cundangan or Rina Soriano.


Most of you know that I am not the most observant person. It takes a lot for me to notice things, that is unless I have a camera in my hand.  Give me a camera and I notice everything! I see things differently. I notice both fine detail and collective beauty. Maybe that’s why I love photography so much? When life becomes so blindingly distracting, I take great pleasure in seeing what other people walk by. I love seeing surprising vignettes of beauty, particularly when they are surrounded by ugliness.   

Of course, there is nothing special about me. I think we all have these two modes in our lives. There’s a lot we ignore, overlook, push aside, and hide.  And, there are some things we become enamored of or fixated on. Some things we just can’t see and some things we can’t not see. We filter life for the sake of the hope of self-preservation or for the comfort of self-delusion or the pursuit of self-interest. We all do it as a normal course of living, that is, until something shocks us and forces us to reboot.

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Our first live stream service!